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Lambourn Parish Council represents about 3,750 parishioners.

The Parish is divided into four wards: Lambourn, Upper Lambourn, Eastbury and Woodlands St Mary/Lambourn Woodlands, each having two councillors – apart from Lambourn –which has nine.

The Full Parish Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding August. A Full Council (Planning) meeting is held on the third Wednesday of each month, excluding August, to consider planning matters only.

Many people have questions relating to Parish Councils and how they work. On the left you will find a link to the 'top ten' Questions and Answers.

The Parish Council has Committees and Advisory Committees, each meeting approximately quarterly. Contractors are employed to maintain the cemeteries and churchyards and the Memorial Hall, a part-time Clerk for 20 hours a week, an Assistant Clerk for 15 hours a week.  as well as a Litter Picker who keeps the Parish Council owned public spaces clean and a Caretaker for the Memorial hall and Public Convenience.  The parish Council has to work closely with the West Berkshire District Council who provide many of the services for the village of Lambourn.

Chair: Mr Peter Iveson

Clerk: Mrs Anne Ray